
visitjeruzalem.com is a website of Puklavec Family Wines d.o.o.

Privacy policy

We respect your privacy. Our privacy regulations indicate how we process your information. These regulations exclusively apply to the information collected via this site and not to information obtained from other sources. See our privacy policy for more detailed information.


We endeavor to provide accurate and reliable information via our website, but it may nevertheless contain inaccurate content. We take no responsibility for any damage which may arise as a result. Please note that we may change the information on this site and/or these regulations at any time without prior notification.

We may review, process or delete materials that you or others send to the site. We may cancel any registration or account on this site at any time without notification. We are not liable for any loss this may cause.

Other websites

This site may contain links to third party websites which we do not manage. We do not monitor, recommend or approve of these websites. We therefore accept no liability for the content, products, services or privacy regulations of these websites.

General restrictions

Only persons over the age of 18 may use this site.

Terms and conditions for the use of this site

Your access to and use of this website and its content is subject to the general terms and conditions of these privacy regulations and all applicable laws. By visiting and using this site you agree to these conditions without any limitation or reserve.

Aany abuse of information, pictures, texts or other data forming part of this website is prohibited. Any reproduction, distribution or other use of all the mentioned information without the prior knowledge and permission of the owner of the website is prohibited.

Photos on the web page are published with permission of the authors (Marcella Krničar -kmarcella photography, Ciril Ambrož, Mediaspeed, ZRS Bistra Ptuj) or owners.

Privacy policy

Your privacy is of the highest importance to us, and we promise never to release your personal details to any outside company for mailing or marketing purposes.

We may collect information about where you are on the internet (eg the URL you came from, IP address, domain types like .co.uk and .com), your browser type, the country and telephone area code where your computer is located, the pages of our website that were viewed during your visit, the advertisements you clicked on, and any search terms that you entered on our website. We may collect this information even if you do not buy anything on our website. You should be aware that this site is being monitored and may capture information about your visit that will help us improve the quality of our service.

We confirm that any personal information which you provide to us (or which is available on public registers) and any user information from which we can identify you, is held in accordance with the registration we have in our database. We use your information only for the following purposes:

  • For statistical or survey purposes to improve this website and its services to you;
  • To serve website content and advertisements to you;
  • To administer this website;

You agree that you do not object to us contacting you for any of the above purposes whether by telephone, e-mail or in writing and you confirm that you do not and will not consider any of the above as being a breach of any of your rights under the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003. You should be aware that if we are requested by the police or any other regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities to provide your personal information and /or user information we are entitled do so.

When entering any of our contests or prize draws, you provide your name, email address and mailing address. When you enter a contest or prize draw, you are also included in our newsletter list to receive notice of promotions, specials and new additions to the website. You may unsubscribe from this news list by following the unsubscribe instructions in any email received.

We use cookies to keep track of your use experience and to personalize your experience. A cookie is a file containing information about your visit on our web page. When you visit a certain web page, a cookie is installed on your computer. Cookies may make browsing easy and fast, but they also represent a threat to your privacy. Each cookie contains information regarding your visit of a certain web page. The contents of the cookie are stored in a special folder on your computer. This folder contains information about the site you have accessed, date and time of the access, etc.

All data is saved also on the administrator's web page visited by the user. With certain settings the user may delete, exclude the cookies and use them on condition, consequently, however if you do not accept cookies you will be unable to use this website.

Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy. Questions regarding this policy can be send to info@pfwineries.com.